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Il lavoro dell’ADUIM si articola in commissioni dedicate agli interessi e attività principali dell’associazione.

IMSEA Virtual Conference for Graduate Students and Early Career Scholars (Call for papers, 23-24 ottobre 2021)

The Musicological Discipline in East Asia: Practices, Trends, Topics

The Regional Association for East Asia of the International Musicological Society (IMSEA) cordially welcomes submissions for the 2021 Virtual Conference for Graduate Students and Early Career Scholars. This event takes the place of the now postponed sixth biennial IMSEA conference in Daegu, Korea (rescheduled to 2022), and is intended to provide a forum specifically for junior scholars to share their research internationally during the current calendar year.

Eligibility for participation: Presenters must be music researchers who are enrolled in a doctoral study program or have received their doctoral degrees no earlier than 2016. They need not reside, work, or study in East Asia; however, as there will be no conference registration fee, they must be members of IMS or have signed up for membership by the event’s starting date.

Conference theme: We invite proposals for presentations in any topic of musical scholarship, but especially encourage and will give preference to submissions which discuss the musicological discipline in East Asia. Possible areas include the following, which however is not an exhaustive list:

  • past, present, and future research directions and methodologies
  • research materials (archives, digital resources, ethnographic resources, etc.)
  • institutional practices and conventions
  • representative topics of scholarship

Conference languages: Any language of presentation is welcome, however presentations in English are strongly encouraged in order to facilitate discussion and exchange of ideas. (Note that the choice of language will not impact the likelihood of an abstract’s acceptance. If the presentation is to be given in a language other than English, then we recommend that an English translation be displayed on-screen or distributed via a Word or PDF file.) Abstracts must be written in English for the purposes of the program committee’s review.

Each speaker will be allotted thirty minutes, with twenty minutes for the presentation and ten minutes for Q&A.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 May 2021.

Abstract submission page: Please access the following website and complete the form: Online abstract submission form

If you cannot access the page, then please send an e-mail to organizer@imsea-virtual-conference2021.org. We will send you the submission form via email.

Maximum length of abstracts: 2000 characters including spaces for each individual abstract.

Notification of accepted submissions: 15 July 2021